Pedagogy of Digital Arts ΙI: Arts and Technology in Education

Course Code
06ΕΠΚΕ0 1-ΨΤ
ECTS Credits
4th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Digital Arts
Course Description

The course is a continuation of the course Digital Arts Pedagogy I: Arts and Technology in Education and aims to empower students to approach 21st century education and digital technologies, utilising digital arts categorizations. In particular, they will be able to recognize the new pedagogical approaches and the digital learning technologies, utilise educational tools and environments for teaching digital arts, and also create and classify educational resources. Likewise, they will become acquainted with learning theories and pedagogical strategies, develop learning designs using digital tools, such as educational scenarios, lesson plans and micro-teachings. Finally, utilise applications of Web 2.0 and open and creative classrooms to develop lesson plans or learning objects